This blog is a collection of comics, comic art done by Joe Cisneros, The Martial Artist Comic Book Artist. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are included herein for the purpose of scholarly review.
Check out Super Sayian 4 Goku, he looks alot meaner then Kid Goku i posted earlier. Anyway, let me know what you think. I tried to blend the Anime/manga style with traditional American Comic way of drawing.
I think i need to explain this, so bare with me. First, this is a drawing of UFC champ Anderson Silva! For thoose unfamilar with Mixed Martial arts, Silva is one of the greatest. Anyway, I was making a comic strip based on MMA and the characters look like this. The pose is from when he did the spidey hands at an UFC event. Let me know what you think! Drawing was done with marker!
This is a darwing of Kid Goku, from Dragon Ball. This drawing started as pencils then inked and finished with Photoshop. Let me know what you think of Kid Goku.